

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Our First Event was Awesome ! {Bridle Oaks Barn} {Doug's 40th!}

Well, Our first event was so much fun that we didn't get home
until 1:00am. If you knew me, you'd know something was 
definitely going right over at Bridle Oaks Barn!
 This was my amazing brother's 40th birthday. My sister in law
had planned such a fun and cool birthday for my brother with
all his longtime friends and of course, our family.
The greatest thing is that my brother, Doug, has some
people in his life and circle of friends. We had world-class
skydivers, doctors, pilots,  EXTREMELY talented musicians, 
serpentarium owners, skiers, snowboarders, poets, painters, 
and a host of crane operators ! LOL  A grand collection of people all to 
celebrate this great guys life and milestone birthday.
 Everything with the first test of the cocktail barn went smooth. 
Acoustics were great, lighting, and parking…. everything was
just cozy and unique. I can't wait for some special brides to experience the
uniqueness and fun that Bridle Oaks Barn has to offer!

Friday, March 13, 2015

We've broke ground …. and we have a BLUE floor! { Bridle Oaks Barn }

Exciting news to share on this happy Friday !
Bridle Oaks Barn, the REAL barn, the BIG barn 
has broken ground! It's only a matter of approx. 8 weeks and 
our reception and event barn will be finished. My father
was one happy camper to see these bulldozers out there 
today, and so were we ! Falcon was eyeing the bright yellow
bulldozers with suspicion, just yesterday we were riding out
there on a flat, large pasture area. In other news… our cocktail
barn (otherwise known as The Coop) now has an awesome stained 
blue floor. It looks fantastic, and really adds a bright pop of 
color to our venue. We have also started some more serious
landscaping. Today 45 Flax Lily's were added in some border areas. 
Next up…. the finishing touches on our outdoor altar area and
new fencing out front at the entrance area. 

Have a fantastic weekend!